How do Strutz work to relieve foot pain? Strutz is a doctor- recommended solution to foot pain and works by combining arch support + compression.
How long do Strutz last? We recommend swapping out your Strutz every 3-5 months depending on usage.
I have a medical condition, can I use Strutz? You should consult with your doctor before wearing Strutz.
Who is this product for? Strutz are designed for anyone and everyone that deals with foot pain. From sore feet to PF.
STRUTZ® helps with the following foot ailments:
Strutz gently compresses the foot and surrounding tissue- improving circulation, reducing swelling, and supporting muscle recovery.
One of the best ways to improve your foot pain is to apply compression. Compression increases blood flow, and increased blood flow means faster healing.
Strutz absorb and offload the force and pressure of each step, distributing weight evenly across the foot, reducing strain on specific areas like the heel, arch, and ball of foot, and maintains natural alignment to prevent injuries.
Unlike traditional inserts, Strutz can be shifted around to the perfect position on your foot for optimal arch support and pain relief.